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Here is a couple of small programs I made for your enjoyment.
GUI is in Norwegian in all the programs.

ElTranFileViewer v1.3.4

This is a small program that can be used to view a formatted version of the contents in the bank transfer file formats TelePay2, OCR-Giro, OCR-Direkte remittering, OCR-Avtalegiro, as well as the DI-XTran format.
NummerBeregninger v1.2.0

This is a small program that can be used to check/verify the validity, as well as calculate a number of (for testing purposes only), Norwegian bank account numbers, social security numbers (including D-, FH-, and H-numbers), organization numbers, as well as IBAN-numbers.
NameGenerator v1.0

This is a small program that can generate random names. Just select nationality, if you want a middle name or not, and whether you want to generate only one or a list of names.

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“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.“
   - George Santayana 142
  Page last updated: 05/02/2019 08:07 Design and layout © Geir Ove Klefsåsvold